Author: admin

  • DIY case almost ready..



    Happy Easter! I’ve spent my time off crafting a DIY case to house the modules I’ve been building. As I’ve been trying to perform using only DIY instruments and effects I’ve built myself, then as Jedi must craft their own lightsaber, it seems fitting I should create my own case. Actually, I already have my Chilli Box case, but I’ve rather outgrown it, size-wise.

    The case is based around a Habitat trunk which I got in the sale. I used aluminium rails from Mouser, which I set M2.5 nuts into. I cut these down to the correct length with a hacksaw. These were then mounted onto an aluminium mounting frame from Thonk. The frame went together ok, although, getting the supplied bolts to cut a thread into the aluminium rail was a bit tricky, and I managed to rather chew up the head on one of the bolts. Hopefully I don’t need to get that out again!




    The trunk case has a lip all the way around so I ‘plugged’ this by screwing a block of wood on each side, flush with the lip, that I could then mount the frame into.

    The power supply was just a cheap Chinese board from eBay (TPS5430), that I added a couple of extra filtering capacitors to, and then used Vero board to mount header to for the ribbon cabled to connect to. The filtering caps were 100uF and 10uF, chosen more due to what was on hand than by any form of science.




    Still need to mount and test it with all my modules, let’s see what new and exciting problems that brings..

  • Fun with audio codecs

    For the past few months (yes, it’s a slow process), I’ve been working on a new version of my Teensy based eurorack boards. Whereas my previous boards have used either the Teensy’s built-in ADC and DAC, or the PJRC audio shield, this one uses a separate chip, known as an audio codec, called the WM8731, to perform these duties. The benefits are increased audio quality over the built in ADC/DAC, without the need of the more expensive, and physically large, audio shield. It’s been a bit more challenging than I expected. The first PCB prototype I had made had a number of issues with it. Some were just careless mistakes, others originated from a lack of understanding of the WM8731, and how it uses I2C and I2S protocols. My first board is a mess of soldered on wires and extra resistors to fix issues. It was a useful learning experience, and allowed me to fix the errors and produce a new PCB. Today though, I finally got everything working.

    The main difficulty was that debugging digital chips is hard. If you don’t set everything up correctly it just doesn’t work. Then you’re left scratching your head trying to get to the root of the issue. Is it the circuit that’s wrong? The soldering? The code? Did I burn out the chip when soldering? This meant the whole process took a long time. Also, the chip is SMALL. It’s 0.5mm pitch which is quite tricky to solder by hand. This is my first fully SMD board, so I’m a bit of a novice with SMD. Most of the other components where fine, but this one was a real pain. I tried ‘drag soldering’ which people say is ‘easy’, but I found I just bridged all the legs together. So I opted for slowly and painstakingly soldering each leg, accompanied with copious swearing!

    I’ll post more details on this as I develop it. First job is to port my current effects to this board, and incorporate 6 CV inputs. Finally, I’ll be able to make use of one of the main advantages of modular!

  • Thee Saturday Sonics 2019

    I’m going to be in Hastings this weekend, for Thee Saturday Sonics. I’ll be doing a talk about DIY instruments and also an improvised performance to show off some of the devices I’ve been building recently. It’s totally free, and on all day. I’ll be on at 2pm. Hopefully see you there!


  • CV Freqs

    On Saturday (1st December) I was up in London at the House of Vans, speaking about getting started in digital module design for Eurorack. It was a really fun day. My talk was fairly well attended and I got some positive comments and questions which is always a bonus. The venue itself doubles as a skate park, so there were lots of confused looking skaters kids wandering around, bemused by the sheer quantity of wires I expect. Thanks to Tom Whitwell and all involved for inviting me.

    I found it inspiring to see everyone’s modular systems. Although it mainly inspired me to build more modules, whereas I need to start making music with my current ones! More on that later.


  • MLR inspired looper.

    I’ve never owned a Monome, but always loved them. They look beautiful, the apps are inspiring, and let’s face it, they revolutionised midi controllers. There’d be no Launch Pad if it weren’t for the Monome Grid. One of the very early apps on the Grid, was MLR, designed by Brian Crabtree, the creator of Monome.



    I wanted to try and create something similar to this, albeit a crude and inferior version. I’ve designed an add-on board for my Cutlassiezer PCB, as used on the Glitch Delay. This is based around a PIC chip which communicates to the main Teensy based board via I2C.



    In this video, the Kalimba is being amplified by the Microphonie, and then into my KhronoKrusher delay module, then into the looper.


    On the main board you can see prototyped on vero-board, the PIC uses a shift register to shift a single ‘ON’ bit through the register. At each bit location, the ON bit can optionally turn on the LED and read the value of the associated switch. This technique was borrowed from the Le Strum by sixty four pixels. The Teensy sends the desired LED states across the I2C bus, and the PIC chip sends back the current state of the switches. Here’s the schematic from Eagle (click to view an enlarged, readable version).


    This is just a work in progress at the moment. I’ll give further updates as I progress. As always, the code is available on GitHub here.

  • Recovering and recording

    I’ve been off work recovering from an inner ear operation, which I might talk about more in the future. In between lying on the sofa and general convalescing I’ve managed to finish a new track. The first thing I’ve actually completed since I released the album.


  • Piano Music

    In the run up to Electromagnetic Field Festival which I played earlier in the year, I was preparing for a performance using only instruments and effects I’d built myself, either from kits or of my own design. The problem was, most of my modules are effects, they transform sound, but they can’t really generate sound from nothing. I had an idea to make a module which would just play piano sounds controlled by CV and gate. Here’s a video of the performance, similar to the one I played at EMF.



    The Piano Player module

    I decided to base the module on Music Thing Modular’s Radio Music/Chord Organ module by Tom Whitwell. It already has inputs for CV and Gate, and is Teensy based, which I’m well versed in. Time was limited so I didn’t want to have to build the hardware as well as write the software. I ordered the module from Thonk as well as a Penrose Quantiser, although I didn’t have time to build this in the end, so ended up doing the quantising in software.

    The Teensy 3.2 has fairly limited memory (64k ram, 256k flash), so I only had space for a single piano sample, which is stored in the flash memory. I then had to write the code which could play this sample back at any pitch, using cubic interpolation to smooth the resulting sound. I wanted the module to have polyphony, so the sounds could overlap, without cutting off the tail of the previous sample. The Teensy 3.2 doesn’t have a floating point unit. This means it has to emulate all floating point (fractional numbers) in software, which is very slow. Initially I struggled to achieve multiple voices at once due to poor performance. I solved the problem by writing a fixed point maths library. This replaces floating point maths calculations with integer based ones, which are faster. You do accrue some loss of accuracy doing this, but it was almost x10 faster, and I was unable to hear any artefacts. This extra boost in speed gave me enough remaining CPU power to add reverb, using the freeverb algorithm in the Teensy audio library. See the source on GitHub for more details.

    In this video, the Piano module is being fed random voltages from the Turing Machine (also from Music Thing). I then quantise this signal internally in software to be in the key of C. Once I’ve built my hardware quantiser I can remove this step. Theoretically this module could play any sample, the sample just needs turning into a .h include file which can be included in the source of the project. I created this using wav2sketch. If you want more samples, or larger ones, you’d need more memory. A Teensy 3.5 could be used to achieve this (as I use in some of my other modules). It does look like you could physically fit this onto the Radio Music board, the only problems I can see might be power related issues, such as discussed here



  • Electromagnetic Field Festival 2018

    By the time I was made aware of Electromagnetic Field earlier in the year it had already sold out. My cunning plan to secure a ticket by proposing a talk worked though, and this weekend I got to go and do it. It was absolutely unlike any festival I’ve ever attended. In equal parts inspiring, astonishing and just really good fun. For the uninformed, Electromagnetic Field is a non-profit UK camping festival for those with an inquisitive mind or an interest in making things: hackers, artists, geeks, crafters, scientists, and engineers. Basically, my people!


    EMF has many talks and workshops which I attended a bunch of, and were all pretty great. As well as that, the site is full of various installations, a cyber punk village, called the NullZone with flame throwers and smoke machines, and cardboard arcade. If that wasn’t enough, every attendee gets their own ‘badge’, a PCB with a microprocessor, screen, wi-fi and mobile connectivity. The festival even had their own mobile network setup for the weekend! As I said, unlike anything I’ve been to before. The badge is open-source and can be hacked. I may have a go at hacking its audio capabilities soon. Apparently they had a huge amount of problems prior to the event, the main big-top tent only got delivered the day before it started, so they did an incredible job making everything run pretty smoothly. I’m already looking forward to the next one in 2020.


    My talk went well I think, several people found me afterwards to chat. I also got the opportunity to do a performance using only sound generators and effects I’d built myself. I’ve not done a set like this before and was really pleased with how it turned out, so thanks to everyone at EMF that made that possible, and thanks to all the organisers and volunteers for the festival itself, it was something very, very special.

    Slides can be found here in Keynote and PowerPoint (prefer the keynote one if you have a mac, the PowerPoint export isn’t perfect).

    Here’s the video stream of the talk:



  • Speaking at EMF 2018

    I’m really excited to announce I’m going to be speaking, and possibly performing at Electromagnetic Field festival. I’ll be doing a talk about DIY electronic instruments. Electromagnetic Field is a non-profit festival for hackers, artists, geeks, crafters, scientists, and engineers. Sounds amazing! Every camper gets electricity and broadband piped directly to their tent! I’ve been working on a new module specifically for this, more information soon!

  • Passive Mixer

    I needed a way to mix the audio from the modules I’d built recently. As Eurorack signals are generally rather hot, running 10vpp (considerably higher than line level), I thought a passive solution made sense. The circuit was very simple so I put it together on vero board. A new lesson I have learnt is, be careful where you source your pots! I ordered 8 cheap from China and had issues with all but 2 of them, which resulted in hours of needless debugging.

    I wanted something to make the project slightly more interesting, so added a kill switch for each channel. Partly because I thought it would be useful, and partly because I liked the look of these tactile switches!

    I housed the mixer circuit in a small hammond aluminium case, really glad I bought a pillar drill!


    Veroboard wiring


    Drill holes


    Changed my mind on the choice of knobs